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Memon Products
This is key, because we all carry these with us throughout the day, in our pockets or in close proximity!

The memonizerMOBILE is simply applied to the back of the phone as close to the power socket as possible, as shown.

They are £90 each.

This is perfect for battery operated items like baby monitors, tablets, and laptops when not plugged into the wall. They  should also be mounted right near the power socket, or onto the battery if the casing of the item comes off.

One box of a pair of two costs £90.

This is The preferred and most effective solution for shielding against EMFs and Geopathic Stress is to shield the sleeping area either with a canopy or with paint and mesh - as described in the solutions page of this website - and then to install a MemonCOMBI to neutralize the harmful effects of both EMF and Geopathic Stress in the house during the day (as well as at night).

The Memonizer COMBI comes in various sizes, depending on the living area (across all floors of the house).

The memonizer COMBI comes in various sizes, depending on the living area (across all floors of the house).
  • S Memon:  For a living space of up to 100 square meters (1050 sq ft) the price is £799
  • M Memon:  For a living space of up to 200 square meters (2100 sq ft) the price is £1,349
  • L Memon:   For a living space of up to 350 square meters (3750 sq ft) the price is £1,999
  • XL Memon: For a living space of up to 500 square meters (3750 sq ft) the price is £2,899

Please get in touch before placing an order as we will need to check your electricity usage and type of fuse box before you proceed with the purchase.

MemonizerBODY Classic

The memonizerBODY Classic  is essential companion to wear when you are out and about. This is always supplied in Large, so that it may be fitted and trimmed to size.

They are £88 each (They come in different colours).
Also available for children for £80


Then there is the COOL memonizerBODY SPORT. These come in white or black and are stiffer plastic than the regular classic.

They cost £65 each.


The memonizerBODY PENDANT is another excellent solution and is perfect for those who prefer not to have anything on the wrist. It may be worn in conjunction with the memonizerBODY or memonizerBODY SPORT.

The memonizerBODY PENDANT costs £159.
Please note that no personal memonizer can deliver the same level of harmonization as a whole house system like the memonizerCOMBI. This is because the fields have already impacted us with a personal harmoniser, but the COMBI transmutes the fields long before they reach the person.

The memonizerCAR is mounted on the steering column of your car to harmonise the fields from the 5 kilometres of wiring in the average vehicle. Most modern cars have sat-nav and where this is the case, a second item should be applied to this. The combination is called the CAR + MEDIA Set.

  • S memonizerCAR (on its own) for a standard car is £267
  • M memonizerCAR (on its own) for a standard car is £397
  • MemonizerE-CAR (on its own) for a hybrid or electric car is £496
  • MemonizerBUS (on its own) for campervan is £585
  • MemonizerCAR + MEDIA Set (satnav) for a regular car is £379
  • MemonizerE-CAR + MEDIA Set (satnav) for a hybrid or electric car is £559
  • MmonizerE-BUS + MEDIA Set (satnav) for a hybrid or electric car is £646


The memonizerWLAN is for use on both wifi Routers and Smart Meters, Sonos transmitters, boosters, as they broadcast distorted fields into the otherwise harmonised environment.
The Wlans are £179 each.


Another important development is the memonWATER which can transform tap water to delightfully pure ‘spring water’. To quote from ‘The memon Revolution’ by Ferry Hirschmann:
“By way of destructive interference, the water is reharmonised in its own structure and prompted into ‘self-healing’. The result is water whose crystalline structure is exactly like that from a spring"
This is an innovative technology, the principle of which is an almost total deletion of harmful particulate matter information. It magically creates the most amazing forms and structures in the tap water it harmonises.”
The memonizerWATER is a stand-alone water harmoniser. It does NOT filter the water. Instead, it restores the water’s structure and integrity. When applied to the mains water feed into the house all radiators, pipes, drinking, bathing and showering water are harmonised, reducing the effects of impurities on the body.
For a living space of up to 100 square meters (1050 sq ft) the price is £649
For a living space of up to 200 square meters (2100 sq ft) the price is £949
For a living space of up to 350 square meters (3750 sq ft) the price is £1,599
And for a living space of up to 500 square meters (5500 sq ft) the price is £2,249


The memonizerWATERFILTER is a high quality, twin filtration and replenishment system. It filters down to 5 microns with a sophisticated, multi medium cartridge. The primary cartridge requires replacement every 4 - 8 months depending on usage. The secondary cartridge needs replacing once every 2 – 5 years depending on usage and incoming water quality.

The price of the memonizerWATERFILTER M (2.7 cubic m/hour) is £2,735
The price of the memonizerWATERFILTER S (1.3 cubic m/hour) is £449

The memonizerWATERFILTER PLUS is the complete solution for water filtration and harmonisation together. With this, the water is cleaned as it enters the home and simultaneously harmonised. This provides the body with the water required for optimal cellular performance.
To learn more, please see the work of Prof Gerald Pollack – Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life.
The memonizerWATERFILTER PLUS comprises the memonizerWATERBOX, and the memonizerWATERFILTER.
The memonizerWATERFILTER PLUS comes in various sizes comes in various sizes and prices vary from £1098 to £4989 (depending of the size of your property)


The memonizerDOG is the original pet harmoniser offered by memon and is now used by thousands of dogs around the world.  Its colour options, light-weight yet robust design and ease of application make it a favourite of our dog-owning customers.

This 5G ready solution suits dogs of all sizes. Price is £85.00


The memonizerFOOD is a credit card sized memonizer that is for use with food and beverages and even cosmetics.  It fits perfectly into a purse or wallet for ease of use wherever you are and harmonises a plate of food a jug of water, a glass of beer or an item of makeup in just a minute.
Simply lay the memonizer either way up on a surface and place the item to be harmonised on top of it for a minute or more.  And that’s it.  You’re done.

Price: £69.00
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